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Monday, October 19, 2015

Social Network

Social Network has become big part of our lives. Nowadays, we can't go one day without using social network. Facebook has evolved into one of the most used social network worldwide. Nowadays, you see children under the age of 10 using facebook. Facebook also helped businesses get an edge on their competitors. The list goes on. According to the article "Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature", Facebook now allows to refine your charges to better identify your search. This is a big upgrade because in the past, when people search something, they used to get bunch of result and it would take up a lot of time to find what you are looking for. While there are some great features of Facebook, they also come with some disadvantage. According to the article "
Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private", Facebook privacy doesn't cover the photo. Mark Zuckerberg's once posted a photo of their holiday party and she founded on another social media the next day. This is a huge issue that's part of Facebook. Sometimes privates things aren't private. If a employer ever decides to look up a employee and sees a picture he/she not suppose to see, the employee might not get the job. I personally dislike many changes Facebook has made. The changes Facebook  never affected me positively. I still get the same, if not, less pleasure from using Facebook. I understand social networks trying to bring people together, but it''s not working effectively. It causing more problems than it;'s solving it

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