My Blog List

Thursday, October 29, 2015


New Media has had many impact on creativity. Back in the days when people didn't have access to technology or weren't able to access information they would need, people weren't able to completely express themselves. Now people can be as creative they want. For example, according to
1 + 1 + 1 = 1, by Sasha Frene Jones,a DJ name Jeremy Brown took apart a two song and created a mashup. He was able to add some of his own instrument sound to two songs from 2 different generation and create an amazing mashup called the "Frontin on Debra. His mashup was well known and it was made available in iTunes. This is one of the many type o creativity that new media has fostered.  People can do whatever they like. There's no boundary. If you have good ideas, you can express it through social media. The resources will always be there

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Modeling Reality with Virtual Worlds

Virtual world can be of many use. Virtual world can help connect people around the world, and teach them valuable skill along with it.. According to After Second Life, Can Virtual Worlds Get a Reboot, by Diane Mehta, Virtual games actually connect people rather than make them isolated. People around the world are working together to reach an achievement. Sound like socializing to me. Virtual Worlds are good for people who are shy to talk to other. It's a way for them to connect with people. Virtual world fosters creativity giving people the freedom to do what they want. They don't have to worry about others judging. It's a way to express something you wouldn't do in public. Virtual world has it's negative as well.  According to, No Budget, No Boundaries: It’s the Real You, By Ruth La Ferla, people can do what they want. There are no such thing as boundaries. You can do the same things you can do in person. While is foster creativity, it discourages people from socializing in real life. People become solitary even though they are connecting with people. They become socially deprived. Virtual World is heading to the right direction but they need to balance with Real World.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Blog About Twitter

Twitter let's you tweet about your everyday activity, or your overall thoughts on a certain matter. The tweet can only be 140 letters. It's a great way to express your thoughts in a short statement. There are many similarities and difference between twitter and blackboard discussion and in class discussion. One similarities between twitter discussion and blackboard discussion is that people can express their thoughts on certain matter. Same goes for in class discussion. People can speak out their thoughts. Also, they can reply to someone, either agreeing with them or coming up with a counter argument. Twitter differentiate from them as well. One difference is that Tweet can only be 140 letter, while you have the chance to express your complete thoughts on Blackboard Discussion and in class discussion. That is one restriction that twitter has that affects how a twitter discussion goes. Some people aren't always good at expressing their feeling in a short statement

Social Network Site

Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat are four Social Network Sites people use Quite frequently. People uses these Social Network to display their emotions, feelings. etc. Facebook is the oldest and has most active users with over 1.4 billions people. This is because Facebook let's you do multiple activities, while twitter, Instagram and Snapchat each have specific activity. I use Facebook more often than other networks, mainly because it helps me keep in touch with my close friends and family while dealing with a busy life. I don't upload much but it keeps me connected to my friends and family all over the world. Twitter is meant for people who updates their everyday activity. It's a good Site for people who have time to update such events. It' good to let people have a little insight of your life; however, not everyone has time for it. You can always tweet on Facebook if you like. Instagram is meant for Photo and a short video uploads only. It's a great way to keep people updated on everyday activity.; However, You can do the same with Facebook. I feel Instagram is best suited for people who loves taking picture everyday or at least most of the time. It's also good for YouTube users to keep people updated. Snapchat is a another Site people use to send people a picture or a short video with a a little text to describe the state. I have to admit it's a clever way to connect with people. It last no more than 10 seconds and people will have a mysterious thoughts on their mind. It's  great way to connect with people ho don't have much to talk. You can also add a story to your timeline that can show what you have done throughout the day. It's very short and catchy.

Social Network

Social Network has become big part of our lives. Nowadays, we can't go one day without using social network. Facebook has evolved into one of the most used social network worldwide. Nowadays, you see children under the age of 10 using facebook. Facebook also helped businesses get an edge on their competitors. The list goes on. According to the article "Facebook search: Facebook adding search feature", Facebook now allows to refine your charges to better identify your search. This is a big upgrade because in the past, when people search something, they used to get bunch of result and it would take up a lot of time to find what you are looking for. While there are some great features of Facebook, they also come with some disadvantage. According to the article "
Facebook Privacy Is So Confusing Even the Zuckerberg Family Photo Isn't Private", Facebook privacy doesn't cover the photo. Mark Zuckerberg's once posted a photo of their holiday party and she founded on another social media the next day. This is a huge issue that's part of Facebook. Sometimes privates things aren't private. If a employer ever decides to look up a employee and sees a picture he/she not suppose to see, the employee might not get the job. I personally dislike many changes Facebook has made. The changes Facebook  never affected me positively. I still get the same, if not, less pleasure from using Facebook. I understand social networks trying to bring people together, but it''s not working effectively. It causing more problems than it;'s solving it