My Blog List

  • xbox one modded controller instructions - Additionally your modded ps4 controller can not only look great but also relate to your interests. Then I got my first v1 elite with the syndromes above....
    1 year ago
  • Feeling Lonely? Too Much Time On Social Media May Be Why -
    7 years ago
  • Blog v Wiki - There are several differences and some similarities between blogs and wikis. I believe both wikis and blogs share information of interest to the creator. ...
    8 years ago
  • Next New - New Media is being integrated into many aspects of our daily lives. However, many things still do not exist but are probably on its way soon. One new type ...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - I would love to see and app where people can meet new people and make friends. I would call it “Find a Buddy”. You would be able to download it and input y...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - A new type of new media, that can be useful considering some challenges faced today would be a social media site that connects individuals and organization...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - My idea for the next new media is an innovation in custom radio with social media influence. A social media site where it is user led, enabling users to ...
    8 years ago
  • Next New - A new type of new media could be a music media where users come to a website and share music. The music can be made by themselves and uploaded to be shared...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - New media have became more broad over the years. One idea I have is an app to help students from the same field to communicate with each other based on the...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - I always wanted to create a social media website that allows anyone to create a radio station and through social networking they can create their own fan b...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - My suggest for the new type of new media that havent existed yet is to develop an app called *"Notifications"*. When you hear about notification you must ...
    8 years ago
  • Next New Thing - There are so many developments that can be made in the technology and media industries that are beyond our wildest dreams. The next new thing, that can ari...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - Baruch lacks a form of connection and community since it is such a commuter school. Many people simply go to… Read more The Next New Thing
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - I believe the next new media should utilize the hardware, Oculus Rift. This hardware allows individuals to experience a virtual reality like they’ve never ...
    8 years ago
  • The next new thing - I think a new form of new media in the future could be and app for your cell phone. for college students it will give them the access of doing online class...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - New types of new media are always coming out. the next big new media is going to be a mix of dating app like tinder and app like snapchat. It will have the...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - A new media that doesn’t currently exist is an app that can find parking spaces for cars. This ideal app should notify a driver whenever someone leaves a p...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - There should be an app that plays music that match the heart rate of the phone user. This is especially helpful for people who go to the gym or just work o...
    8 years ago
  • The Next New Thing - New types of media are always on the being thought up. If i could create a new media it would be a mixture of Itunes Facebook and Youtube. So it would be a...
    8 years ago
  • P2P File Sharing - File sharing is a process of distributing or providing access to digital media, such as books, movies, documents, and music. P2P file sharing, or peer-to-...
    8 years ago
  • Advice - If I were hired by the Baruch College to use new media to improve the College, I would suggest Baruch to replace its means of communication between profess...
    8 years ago

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Creativity and New Media

These are my close friends from High School. We weren't able to take a picture all together so I decided to manually put them into a picture just for a memory. I used a software called Picture Merge Genius to merge couple of pictures all together. It's not the best looking but it helped me create a memory

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